Reviews | The Drive Garage Tools/Accessories

The Best Cheap Generators

Whether you have a lot of power outages, prefer to live off the grid, or are just traveling in a camper a lot, it is a good idea to keep a reliable generator around. While generators can vary in output from a few thousand watts up to 17,000 watts, the higher the running wattage, the more expensive the machine. Some generators — with all their bells and whistles — can be out of reach for a lot of people’s budgets. However, that’s not to say that there isn’t an alternate power source out there in a lower price range. In fact, with a bit of research and reasonable expectations, we found quite a few high-quality generators on the market. Below is a list of the best cheap generators available. You should find one that meets most if not all of your alternative power source needs without putting too much strain on your finances in the process.