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The Best Women’s Rain Pants

If you’ve ever gotten caught in the middle of a downpour, you know just how important the right rain gear can be. When it’s raining, there’s nothing worse than getting your clothes wet and struggling to get warm or dry off for the rest of the day. But if you think a rain jacket or an umbrella is all you need, you might want to think again. Every woman should have a pair of rain pants. Rain pants help you keep your lower body dry and cozy in light rainstorms and torrential downpours. They can slick away water and are often versatile enough to handle rain, mud, and even snow. They’ll even keep you dry when you step into puddles or unexpectedly find yourself standing in inches of water. With a pair of rain pants at your disposal, you’ll be well equipped for any kind of wet weather. Check out some of the best women’s rain pants below.