Reviews | The Drive Tactical & Outdoor

The Best Breathable Rain Suits

Rainy days can be miserable, especially if you commute using mass transit or you work outside. While there are plenty of solutions to staying dry, most involve using one hand to hold an umbrella. It’s hard to work or commute single-handed. And many rain suits will leave you wishing you had just suffered the rain without them. Regular rain suits can be uncomfortable regardless. But when it’s hot out? They can create an unbearable, sticky, sweaty humidity that can lead to rashes, chafing, and even body odor. Breathable rain suits, however, can save the day. These wonderful suits, in most cases, go over your clothes to protect you and your outfit from moisture, and because they are breathable, they will not make you sweat. We have taken a closer look at all of the rain suits currently on the market and put together a list of some of our favorites. Keep reading to check out our list of the best breathable rain suits currently available.