Snow-Stuck Lamborghini Sterrato: Props for Bravery, but Not Brilliance

This snowbound orange Lamborghini has become a minor local Reddit celebrity after getting bogged all over Tahoe.
Lamborghini stuck in snow in Tahoe, California
Reddit/winstonalonian, Adobe

This orange Lamborghini Huracán Sterrato has become a minor local Lake Tahoe celebrity and the butt of many jokes on Reddit in the last few days. It’s been spotted squirming, squiggling, and ultimately getting stuck in the snow. A lot of commenters are calling the driver out for foolishness, but honestly, if I had one of these I’d probably try to take it skiing too.

After all, Lloyd and Harry taught us that a Lamborghini is a perfectly appropriate ski town vehicle.

The Sterrato is, of course, the “off-road” variant of the Huracán supercar. With an advanced traction control system and a surprising amount of ground clearance (6.7 inches … a Subaru WRX only has 5.4) it should actually be pretty capable in the snow. Except, it’s also got 602 horsepower and a relatively lean curb weight of about 3,200 pounds. That’d be a lot to manage on slippery roads, even with the right tires. Though if I had to guess, it’s probably running the OEM Bridgestone Dueler all-terrains which I’ve never used but I have not heard great things about their snow performance.

(Update: My contact at Bridgestone informed me that the company does in fact make an OEM winter tire for that Sterrato, the Blizzak LM005. But it’s impossible to tell what exactly was on the car. I suspect the Blizzaks might have kept it from sliding, though.)

That picture of the car bogged popped up on my feed twice today, and in fact, I think quite a few people have posted similar ones. But it appears that the original uploader was Redditor winstonalonian, who also shared a dashcam upload. I easily found another shot of the car stuck in a different spot and there are more floating around too.

[Lamborghini Sterrato] I spotted on my commute yesterday in Lake Tahoe
byu/winstonalonian inspotted

Looking at the almost-jackknifed positioning of the big rig in the dashcam clip and main photo, it looks like the little Lambo narrowly escaped getting mulched by a semi-truck that would have had a very hard time stopping in those conditions. I couldn’t easily find a police writeup or anything, but perhaps that little Subaru must have pulled over to render assistance and the truck in the oncoming downhill lane panic-stopped to avoid a collision. Or maybe the truck was already there? Either way—tough day for Tahoe roads. Fun day for internet trash-talking.

Here’s hoping the car was extracted without too much inconvenience to anybody else. At least the orange paint made it easy to spot.

Seen any other snow-related automotive shenanigans? Drop the author a line at