The Mercedes-Benz EQ lineup is many things. Chiefly, it’s all-electric, and Mercedes took advantage of the architecture shift to deck out its battery-powered portfolio with as much in-cabin tech as possible. But when it comes to elegant exterior design, well, that’s another story. Take the EQE, for example. While neither the sedan nor the SUV versions are offensive to look at, it’s ultimately kind of a forgettable blob. But look what happens when you turn it into a hearse.
I’m not going to try to convince you that this is pretty, but, by taking the EQE’s inherently formlessness and making it into something practical, they’ve imbued it with a purposefulness that transcends its anonymity. Before, it was just a blob. Now it’s a blob with a job.
Believe it or not, there’s more than one company out there doing these conversions, but Kuhlmann Cars caught our eye thanks to its overall polish (and the fact that they had this fantastic promotional YouTube video we could show you certainly didn’t help things. No German? No problem. This is just some beauty roll, so you don’t need to worry about learning anything. Just kick back and enjoy the show.

Kuhlmann isn’t some trendy startup with big dreams and no budget. This is an operator with a license to convert factory Mercedes-Benz vehicles for vocational purposes. In fact, Kuhlmann offers a hearse based on the standard E-Class, but if you ask us, the creaseless lines of the EQE wear the high-backed look much better. Sure, it looks a little like a dust buster crossed with a spaceship, but if you ask me, that’s kind of the appeal.

Like the standard EQE, Kuhlmann’s hearse can pretty much be customized to your heart’s content. There’s also a version with full windows on all sides in the rear, in case a mobile viewing is more your speed. Kuhlmann even went to the trouble of including a blacked-out section behind the driver cabin for a floating roof effect. Hey, just because you’re dead, that doesn’t mean you can’t make an entrance.
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