In 2017 car manufacturers are in a constant battle to have the lightest and subsequently the most fuel efficient vehicle possible. Unfortunately, that means manufacturers are quick to take out the spare tire to save the extra 50 pounds or whatever it comes out to be.
According to a recent survey done by AAA, 28 percent of 2017 model year cars have no spare tire as a standard option and many don’t even offer the option. AAA went on to mention that they responded to 450,000 calls for assistance where the vehicle in question was having tire issues and did not have a spare. Many of you may argue there is no point for a spare tire since most drivers don’t even know how to change a tire anymore. However, that would be incorrect since another survey (so many surveys) indicates that 80 percent of drivers know how to change a tire. Whether or not this is an accurate survey is irrelevant in my mind. I am a strong believer in the ability to change a tire and feel it is a crucial tool that should be assessed while taking the driver’s exam.
There are ways to make up for this issue like installing run-flats, have a plug kit or just being situationally aware, but I really encourage everyone to stay away from vehicles without spare tires.