The Garage Accessories

Echo Auto Is a Must-Have Prime Day Buy

Only $20 puts the power of Alexa in your hands-free control.
Echo Auto Prime Day

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Plenty of us are still rocking classic cars and loving every second of it. It does come at the compromise of modern technology, though. Some dig it, while others might long for some new-age creature comforts. You can easily update that old ride with Amazon’s Echo Auto going out the door for $20 during Prime Day

The cost of a lunch gets you hands-free control over your music, calls, and messages with the help of Alexa. You don’t have to worry about the Echo Auto working only under perfect circumstances, either. Amazon’s Echo Auto can hear you over music, the climate control system, and even road noise. Pair it with an Amazon Music subscription, and you have access to millions of songs and countless stations. It’s pretty much the cheapest and fastest way to bring your old-school ride’s entertainment system to modern standards.  

And if you need more deals in your life, here’s the rest of The Drive’s Prime Day Coverage.


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Hank O'Hop

Staff Writer

Hank is a Staff Writer at The Drive. He recently came to us as a freelancer with three years of industry-related experience and eventually earned his official title among our staff. As a self-taught gearhead, he spends the majority of his free time dissecting and playing with all things mechanical. He may be here to recommend tools and parts, but he's always happy to venture deep into the world of tech discussions and how-to guides, especially when it gives him the opportunity to display his beloved classic Dodge.