Jay Leno Drives A 356 Speedster Replica That Is Possibly Better Than The Real Thing

Volkswagen floor pan, Subaru engine, Design by Porsche, Almost no real Porsche parts included.


This 356 Speedster replica has heated seats, working HVAC, and the owner claims around 200 horsepower. That sounds like a complete win to me. The Speedster was always built to be a racing car, but these days they’re all collectibles that have been tucked away in collections. More than anything, this is why I am encouraging people to go the route of a replica, because they can be driven without worry and they can be modified without worry. This Subaru-powered car has a lot of extra power, modern usability, and still retains a lot of those old-school good looks.

Jay simply pulled this guy over on the street to talk about his car, and Tom Murtaugh was more than happy to oblige. His fiberglass-bodied 356 is quite interesting, looks the part, and drives like a dream. Keen eyed viewers will note that this 356 replica also features some pretty aggressive Toyo R888 r-compound tires, which would probably make this quite the exciting car to drive on a canyon road. It’s not a *real* Porsche, but it’s a fun facsimile. You can’t fault a guy that puts 12,000 miles on his replica in three and a half years. Well done Tom. You’re a hero in my eyes.