In most instances, setting your tush on the lip of a Boeing 737’s jet engine is asking to be atomized. Whirr-thump-grind and voila: you settle onto the tarmac as a fine, pinkish mist, like so much morning fog. For the living-inclined, there’s a better option from Fallen Furniture, which crafts chairs, couches, and tables from reclaimed airplane parts. Their latest project transformed the cowling of a disused 737 jet into a large, Saarinen-looking chair, perfect for curling up in and reading the FAA’s Technical Manual of Airship Aerodynamics (conveniently available here in PDF form). Or take a nap confident in the fact that you will not be born aloft. It’s a soothing mantra, I will not be morselized, I will not be morselized, I will not be morselized…
Though it won’t require a hangar, the 6.5-square-foot 737 Cowling Chair might overwhelm smaller apartments. The cowling has been polished to a blinding sheen (a good excuse for donning some aviator shades), while the interior cocoon is finished in dark leather, which may or may not smell like a bomber jacket. Price is by inquiry only, but figure that when your source material is an old jet, no result will be cheap.