BladeHQ’s Massive Knife Sale Is Here to Upgrade Your EDC

Never run with pointy objects, but run to this sale on them!


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Knives are vitally important tools. You can use them as screwdrivers, prybars, under-hood tools, and even life-saving pieces of kit. That last one comes from personal experience. But few folks actually carry a pocket knife at all times. I’ve made it my mission to preach the good word of the humble pocket knife and to the end of getting you all strapped, BladeHQ is having a truly massive knife sale right now. Everything from Boker, Spyderco, CRKT, Benchmade, SOG, Cold Steel, Kershaw, Gerber, and more have steep discounts. Get yourself one today while supplies last and keep with you the best tool ever.

I also threw in a few axes for funsies.



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