Bulldog 4×4 Extreme Is the Off-Road Fire Truck of Our Dreams

With 25 inches of ground clearance, locking differentials, and a roll cage, this Bulldog is perfect for fighting fires where the pavement ends.

Finding a truck that meets your fire department’s needs can be difficult when your service area has a wide variety of environments. Most department shy away from specialty trucks due to the cost and how little they will be used most of the time. Fortunately, places like Howe & Howe Technologies have begun producing extremely capable multipurpose fire trucks that can tackle brushfires and motor vehicle accidents in the same day.

Bulldog 4X4

Built off an International 7400 4×4 chassis, the Bulldog 4×4 Extreme is a nearly indestructible firetruck that a department can confidently put through its paces. Since departments need a truck they can rely on, the Bulldog 4×4 Extreme is already built on a reliable chassis; the company adds heavy duty parts and off-roading equipment to make sure no unfortunate events occur.

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Utilizing 54-inch military HEMTT tires, front and rear locking differentials, and 25 inches of ground clearance, the Bulldog is more than capable offroad. This is crucial during hard-to-reach brushfires and even MVAs into the woods. Encased in an exterior rollcage, the chauffeur doesn’t have to worry about damaging the truck as they navigate through brush and other wildlife. 

There are plenty of other brush truck manufacturers like Firematic B.R.A.T. out there, but the real difference between them and the Bulldog is that other trucks can’t carry 2,000 gallons of water and foam. The Bulldog is able to stay out for extended operations thanks to an 80-gallon gas tank and spacious cabin.

If the truck happens to get stuck (doubtful) or needs to move debris, the Bulldog 4×4 Extreme comes equipped with a 30,000-lb winch. As you can see in the videos below, the Bulldog can be configured to a department’s desires specifications in order to maximize their use of the truck.