Norway Might Ban the Sale of New Gas-Powered Cars by 2025

The latest in Norway's attempts to achieve a green-car utopia.


Norwegian lawmakers have agreed on a ban that would prohibit the sale of gasoline cars after the year 2025, Dagens Næringsliv reports. Electrek says that the reported agreement comes after months of discussions between the country’s divided political groups.

If all goes as planned, the law would allow for only electric- and hydrogen fuel cell vehicles to be sold in Norway. The ongoing explosion of various alternative-powertrain vehicle options on the market should aid in making this a possibility.

Though Dagens Næringsliv reports that the agreement is solid, as Electrek points out, two of Norway’s major conservative political parties have told that they are not yet in agreement with the ban. So, although it’s moving along, there are still a few more hurdles. Politics will be politics.

Unsurprisingly, Tesla CEO and electric car fanboy Elon Musk has already started to celebrate this anti-gas victory. Slightly prematurely, since nothing has been officially set in stone just yet.

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This is the most recent news on Norway’s push for emissions free transportation. The Drive previously reported on how Oslo, Norway’s capital, wants to ban cars by 2019, and on the massive tax incentives the country offers those who buy electric car. Considering that electric cars have an impressive 24 percent market share in Norway, it seems like the country is using the right tricks to get motorists to convert to the green ways.

With Norway being one of the world’s biggest oil exporters, it’s interesting to see the country take such a promising stance toward non-gasoline powered vehicles. Power to them.