Hey guys, it’s Marisa Hunter and this is Drive Wire for Friday, May 6th.
Big news out of Tesla today as the company plans to increase productions across all their vehicle lines. And not just by a little – the company says production will go from an estimated 80,000 this year to 500,000 by 2018. Tesla CEO Elon Musk also added that, by the end of 2020, tesla could be producing one million vehicles a year. Bold claims, bro. More production is certainly necessary – the company is sitting on orders for 400,000 Model X’s alone, and has built fewer than 2700, reportedly due to the complexity of the crossover. Add to that the 100,000 plus model threes Tesla wants to build by the end of this year and it’s an ambitious goal. Elon Musk has reportedly moved his famously portable desk to the end of the production line, along with a sleeping bag, which he’ll need – but with this goal, we’ll see if he ever gets to use it.
Remember Donkervoort? They make the D8, a modernized Lotus Seven that also kind of looks like a wingless x-wing crossed with an anteater. Well, the company has a new version called the D8 RS powered by a turbocharged 2.5L Audi engine, which Audi has gotten up to 400 horsepower. That’s a lot of go in a motorized Radio Flyer, so there’s also a new suspension, wider track, bigger brakes, and all the requisite stuff. Donkervoort is making 40 of these for a little over a 170,000, and they’re half sold already, so get your order in now.
Turning to items from the world of taxicabs, a Lamborghini Huracan has been granted a taxi license in the United Kingdom. The city of Wolverhampton granted the hack license to a company that usually just runs wedding car rentals, but was presumably bored and wanted to work more than one day a week. No word as to the per-mile fare, but we’re guessing the cabbie just dreams of the day someone jumps in and says “follow that car.”
Turning to gear, we’re going back to basics. Do you breathe air? Of course you do! Would you like to breathe the very best air? The Jacob Jensen Air Quality Monitor can assure you’re breathing only the very freshest air, tracking all major particles and gasses and warning you against pollution or poisoning while looking elegant. Preorder yours for about $300 at Jacobjensendesign.com.
For today’s ridiculous video, we have the perfect video to make you terrified of heights. Kyle Mears and his gang of mountain bikers are flirting with oblivion while riding along cliff edges in Moab. Precariously perching themselves along the cliff’s edge, these thrill seekers dance a fine line between skill and insanity. But mostly insanity.
That’s it for today’s edition of Drive Wire. For more, be sure to come back to thedrive.com, and follow us at the drive on all your favorite social media platforms.