You can find anything for sale on eBay. Anyone looking to make a quick buck off of something old in their house or garage seems to be the norm. In the world of cars, this allows for some pretty interesting stuff to pop up from time to time. We at The Drive love our share of movie cars and stunt cars, but today I bring you the one-off Dobbertin HydroCar.
When you see the phrase “HydroCar” you may be thinking of the Amphicar, but the Dobbertin HydroCar resembles a spaceship whereas the Amphicar resembles an old classic car. Being that the HydroCar is both car and boat it has two modes, “Land Mode” and “Water Mode.”
The HydroCar was built by Rick Dobbertin who handled the vehicle’s design and fabrication, which took nine years to complete. The build took an estimated 18,800 hours.

According to the eBay listing, the HydroCar gets its power from a fully dyno-tuned World/Merlin all-aluminum roller-cammed 572-cubic-inch Chevrolet engine. The engine produces 762-horsepower at 5800 rpm and 712 foot-pounds of torque at 4200 rpm. The vehicle is aluminum bodied, but the center section and roll bars are made of stainless steel. The eBay listing description is quite detailed, check out the listings description for more intricate details of the build.
You can see the HydroCar being tested on the water in the video below.

The eBay listing mentions the HydroCar was featured on the cover of Popular Mechanics Magazine in January 2004 as an artist’s rendering.
The HydroCar is legally titled in New York State as a Custom Made Boat, serial number NYZP0128A010.
This thing has appeared for sale on eBay in the past. I’ve reached out to the seller to see if they are also the builder or bought it sometime between the time it last popped up for sale. As of writing this article, the HydroCar has reached a bid of $30,100.00 from 11 bidders and the reserve has not been met. There is a Buy It Now on the listing for $120,000.00.
Someone please buy this thing and take it to a dragstrip so we can report on a 700-horsepower boat making quarter-mile passes.